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We need much deeper cybersecurity collaboration in order to advance the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible, and secure.
When we operate in a joint ecosystem where we trust to share cybersecurity information is when can truly build joint resilience.
Realtime yet responsible information exchange is the future, especially as the decentralized energy system of our low-carbon world will require exponential growth in new electric and digital connections.
Why is there Cyber risk in Renewables? Cyber Attacks in the Renewable Energy Sector and H2
Why avoid Cyberattacks on Renewable Energy ?
Because the consequences are expensive and difficult to remedy. The effects can be:
Hiring experts to mitigate the damage
Data loss
Loss of benefits due to partial or total interruption of the company's computer system.
Ransom payment
Identity control services
Notification costs
Research expenses
Third-party claims (defense expenses, compensation)
Expenses to restore the loss of image and reputation
Potential Renewable Energy Solutions:
Different protection services can be found, ranging from minimal security updates to large-scale hardware replacements.
This can mainly mean :
Reduce the risk of downtime
Prevent damage to reputation and theft of intellectual property
Maintain operational rigor to achieve best practices
Updates to systems that detect intrusion threats
Hardware update in servers and SCADA networks
There is no single solution to achieve total protection against cyber attacks. The smart grid is still a network of IT/OT machines with data flows between them. The renewable energy industry also needs to work more closely with government institutions to protect against attacks. Most energy networks are in private hands and it is crucial to build public-private partnerships and be resilient to address the cyber dimension of energy security.